Wellwood Avenue Substation

Reliability Projects

We're making upgrades to enhance our system's ability to withstand extreme weather and meet energy demands.

Project Overview

Since 2007, upgrades and enhancements have been made to the five substations that provide energy to North Lindenhust. Each one of those substations is at or near capacity serving the communities in which they are located, and cannot be further upgraded to deliver power to the North Lindenhurst area. The new substation on Wellwood Avenue directly benefits the local community by significantly increasing reliability and power quality. Without the substation, North Lindenhurst residents are at risk of prolonged service disruptions, especially during heat waves and storms. As always, PSEG Long Island is working closely with local officials on this project, keeping them informed and working to minimize potential disruptions.

Project Location

The substation is located on the west side of Wellwood Avenue between New Horizons Boulevard and Berry Street.

What is the timeline for the project?

Clearing and grading of the site began in late September 2016. Construction of the facility began in November 2016 and was expected to conclude in June 2017. PSEG Long Island anticipates energinzing the facility by June to meet summer demand.

This project was completed in June 2017.