Balloon and Kite Safety

Uh oh. Your kite or balloon flew into some utility lines. Now what?

Metallic balloons and kites may seem harmless, but flying toys may quickly go from fun to deadly if they become entangled in power lines. Do not try to dislodge any object that is stuck in a power line. Extending poles or sticks of any kind toward a power line can expose you to electrocution hazards.

If a kite or balloon gets caught in a power line, call us immediately at 1-800-490-0075

Metal is an especially effective conductor of electricity, and that includes the metallic coating on Mylar (or foil) balloons. When a Mylar balloon comes in contact with a power line, it can cause a short circuit. This can lead to power outages and fires. Utility technicians working elsewhere on the line may also be impacted by serious and shock and electrocution hazards created by the short circuit.

  • Never try to remove anything caught in power lines or in electric substations.
  • Never fly kites or balloons in the rain or during an electrical storm.
  • Never cross a road or street while flying a kite or holding a balloon.
  • Kites and Mylar balloons should be kept away from overhead power lines and all utility equipment.
  • Make sure balloons are secured to a weight that is heavy enough to prevent them from floating away.
  • Always properly dispose of Mylar balloons safely by puncturing the balloon in several places to release the helium and prevent the balloon from flying away.