Home Elevation Request

Draft saved successfully. Your draft number is :
Please select if you are an authorized agent or not
Please enter first name
Please enter last name
Example: 123-345-7890
Please enter 10 digit phone number
Please enter email address Please enter valid email address

The electric service must be completely removed from the property before you can begin on your home elevation. When you apply for re-connection please allow three to five weeks.

Please choose a date

Note: If yes, an Electrical Inspection Certificate or a NYC Building Permit is required. There may be fees associated with this request.

Service Address

Please enter the zip code
Example: 1234 Please enter the house number
Example: Main Street Please enter the street name
Please select a town
Example: Main Street Please enter the nearest cross street
Please enter the elevation in feet
Please choose a date

Meter Number(s)*

Please enter meter number
Site Meeting Needed

Mailing Address to Forward the Elevation and /or Demolition Letter.

Provide the parties name and mailing address for the Elevation and Demolition Letter

Please enter first name
Please enter last name
Is mailing address same as service address?
Please enter the zip code
Example: 1234
Please enter the house number
Example: Main Street
Please enter the street name
Please select a town
Please select a state
Example: Main Street Please enter the nearest cross street

Supporting Documents

Upload Required Documentation

Site Plan *

Elevation Plan *

Electrical Inspection certificate or NYC Building Permit *

(If the answer is yes for needing a temporary service this field is mandatory)

Proof of ownership/authorization by owner to agent *

Draft saved successfully. Your draft number is :

Review and Submit your Request

Please review the information you provided below to ensure accuracy.

Have a question?

Call Building and Renovation Services Monday through Friday 7:30AM to 4:00PM at 1-844-341-6378.

About You

Are you the authorized agent for the property owner?


Phone Number:

Email Address:

Date to turn off service:

Do you want to establish a temporary service?

The property address for this project is:


The nearest cross street is:

It is my intent to raise the house by:

Intended date of elevation:

What are the total number of meters at the property?

Meter Number:

First Name:

Last Name:

Mailing Address to Forward the Elevation and/or Demolition Letter:


The nearest cross street is:

Site Meeting

Site meeting needed:

Supporting Documentation

The following documents have been uploaded:

Your application has been submitted

Thank you! Your application has been submitted successfully and will begin processing shortly.

Thank you for contacting PSEG Long Island's Building and Renovation Services. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your request along with your case number. If you have any questions or concerns

Please contact us at 1-844-341-6378

(7:30AM to 4:00PM, Monday through Friday).