Facility Relocation Request

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About You

Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Example: 123-345-7890
Please enter 10 digit phone number
Please enter email address Please enter valid email address

Service Address

Please enter the zip code
Example: 1234 Please enter the house number
Example: Main Street Please enter the street name
Please select a town
Please enter the nearest cross street
Site Meeting Needed
Please enter your request description

Supporting Documents

Please provide any additional supporting documentation, including photographs or site plans.

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Upload additional documents by selecting the upload button

Please note that requests to relocate facilities will often be at some cost to you. A Customer Service Representative will be assigned to review your request and will contact you accordingly. By submitting this form through this site, you hereby agree to an accept the following terms and conditions: As the Applicant, or an authorized agent of Applicant, by making a submission through this site, you herby certify that all information contained in the request for service is accurate and complete. In the event that any submitted information changes or you learn that previously submitted information contains and error, you shall immediately supplement your submission with the updated and/or corrected information. PSEG Long Island reserves the right to question and validate the information contained in your submission and request such additional information as determined by PSEG Long Island.

I agree with the contractor agreement
Please agree with the agreement
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Review And Submit Your Request

Please review the information you provided below to ensure accuracy.

Have a question?

Call Building and Renovation Services Monday through Friday 7:30AM to 4:00PM at 1-844-341-6378.

About You


Phone Number:

Email Address:

The property address for this project is:

The nearest cross street is:

Description of request:


Site meeting needed:


Supporting Documents:

The following documents have been uploaded:

Your application has been submitted

Thank you! Your application has been submitted successfully and will begin processing shortly.

Thank you for contacting PSEG Long Island's Building and Renovation Services. You will receive an email confirming receipt of your request along with your case number. If you have any questions or concerns

Please contact us at 1-844-341-6378

(7:30AM to 4:00PM, Monday through Friday).