Fuel Cell Feed-in Tariff IV

Feed-In Tariff IV - 40 MW

History of this Procurement

Feed-in Tariff for Interconnection of Fuel Cell Resources from 1,000 kW up to 20,000 kW

The LIPA Board of Trustees met and approved the Fuel Cell Resources Feed-in Tariff IV on September 21, 2016.

The initial enrollment period of October 1, 2016 to January 31, 2017 has ended.

During the initial four-month application period that ended on January 31, 2017, the Authority received 29 project applications from 10 separate entities, representing 376 MW of fuel cell energy. Three project applications were accepted into the Fuel Cell Resources Feed-in Tariff IV program. These three projects represent 39.8 MW, which is just short of the 40 MW program cap.

Eligible Projects

Eligible generation to the Fuel Cell Resources Feed-in Tariff IV is limited to fuel cell generation projects attached to the system at or within a beneficial area. Fuel Cell generating technology that uses less than 100% renewable energy sources are eligible to participate. Additional requirements include:

  • Fuel Cell Generation Projects must be connected directly to the Authority's electric system with a dedicated meter.
  • Fuel cells Generation Projects do not need to comply with the Qualifying Facility requirements of this Service Classification.
  • The Generation Project owner shall obtain Station Service Power for the Project in order to supply the facility's needs when the Generation Project is not generating electricity.
  • Fuel cells Generation Projects are precluded from participating in the Commercial System Relief Program or the Distribution Load Relief Program.

  • Fuel cell Generation Projects that qualify under and satisfy all the requirements of the Tariff including the Smart Grid Small Generator Interconnection Procedures ("Smart Grid SGIP"), with a minimum output of greater than or equal to 1000 kW and maximum output of no more than 20,000 kW, and will enter into a Fuel Cell Power Purchase Agreement for the Fuel Cell Feed-in Tariff (the "Power Purchase Agreement").

Additional eligibility requirements apply. Careful review of the Fuel Cell Resources Feed-in Tariff IV is advised to see all eligibility requirements.

Application Process

Applicants are instructed to complete the "FIT IV - Application Cover & Appendix" and submit their bids electronically to PAMfitLI@pseg.com. Applicants should receive an email acknowledging receipt of their application within three (3) business days. The application fee amount is calculated by multiplying the Proposed Capacity (kW-AC) times $1.00/kW. The application fee must be in the form of a certified check payable to PSEG Long Island and should be delivered within three (3) business days of application submittal at the following address:

PSEG Long Island
ATTN: Stephen Cantore, Power Asset Management
175 E. Old Country Road
EOB, 2nd Floor
Hicksville, NY 11801

Applicants should carefully review the Fuel Cell Resources Feed-in Tariff IV document and all other related information provided on this webpage. We have compiled a list o Frequently Asked Questions to serve as guidance. Any additional questions may be submitted to: PAMfitLI@pseg.com.

20-Year Levelized Gas Price Forecast

The 20-year levelized gas price forecast (see Tariff Section VIII.O.8.n.2 on Original Leaf No. 255R) that will be used for the evaluation of bids to the Fuel Cell Resources FIT IV are as follows (all prices in $/MMBtu):

  • Transco Zone 6 N.Y.: $7.71
  • Iroquois Zone 2: $6.50
  • 50/50 blend: $7.11

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