History of Procurement

Issuance Date - June 24, 2015

May 25, 2015: The following documents were posted:

  • Load Duration Curves - 3 Years
  • 2014 Load Duration MW Load

November 10, 2015: The following documents were posted:

  • Amended RFP correcting the Environmental Condition for Minimum Ambient Air Temperature (Page 62)
  • Prevailing Wage Schedule

November 6, 2015: The following documents were posted:

  • Energy Services Agreement - Demand Response
  • Amended RFP providing proper references on Page 57 for voltage ride-through capabilities (Clean and Red-Line versions)
  • Final Q and A Log
  • Contingent Fee Certification Form
  • MacBride Fair Employment Principles Form
  • Lobbying Guidelines Regarding Procurements, Rules, Regulations or Ratemaking

November 4, 2015: PPA for Non-Dispatchable Resources (Renewables) posted.


October 27, 2015: PPA for Power Production Resources posted.

October 22, 2015: Q and A Log Updated.

October 9, 2015: The RFP has been amended to document:

  • The change in the Question Submittal Deadline to November 2nd, 2015
  • The change in the Proposal Submittal Deadline to December 2nd, 2015, at 3:00PM EST

October 1, 2015: Q and A Log Updated. Additionally the RFP has been amended to document:

  • the reduction in hard copies of proposals that must be submitted from 4 copies to 3 copies (Page 38)
  • clarification that the Firm Pricing Commitment Date is September 30, 2017 (Page 9)
  • Clarification as to the required notification to PSEG LI by a Respondent if that Respondent choses to also submit a proposal in the upcoming 2015 Renewable RFP (Page 13)
  • Data submittal requirements for distribution-connected resources (Page 11)

September 11, 2015: Q and A Log Updated, many more questions in the process of being answered.

September 1, 2015: Q and A Log Updated, many more questions in the process of being answered.

August 11, 2015: Q and A Log Updated, many more questions in the process of being answered.

August 10, 2015: SF RFP was revised to provide greater clarity in describing the Load Reduction areas on the South Fork. In particular, pages 3, 57 and 59 were edited. Additionally, Table 1-1 was edited to extend the Question Submittal Deadline to October 12th, 2015 and lastly guidance on zoning requirements was clarified on pages 17 and 18. Redline and Clean versions of the SF RFP have been placed on the website.

July 7, 2015 - Q and A Log added to site.

July 2, 2015 - RFP Revision



South Fork Resources RFP Documents