Terms & Conditions

My Smart Energy Portal - Connect Other Users

The purpose of this form is to allow you to exercise your right to choose whether to disclose your personal electricity usage and basic customer information (i.e., account number) through the Connect Other Users program. Once you authorize a third party (“Third Party”) to access your personal information, you are responsible for ensuring that the third party safeguards that personal information from further disclosure without your consent. By checking the box on your Connect Other Users page , you agree that you have read, understood, and authorize PSEG Long Island LLC to release the requested information on your account(s) to the designated Third Party, and you hereby release, hold harmless, and indemnify PSEG Long Island LLC, Long Island Lighting Company d/b/a LIPA, and each of their parents, subsidiaries, and affiliates from any liability claims, demands, causes of action, damages or expenses resulting from:

  1. Any release of information to your designated Third Party pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.
  2. The unauthorized use of that information by the designated Third Party.
  3. Any actions taken by the Third Party pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.

You also understand that you may cancel your authorization at any time by returning to My Smart Energy Portal .